Lady Skimmington
Twitter, 26th June 2021.
Boris Johnson, with the aid of his cabinet, by decree, and with the least amount of parliamentary scrutiny in our recent history, have single handedly destroyed the very concept of freedom and privacy for 68 million sovereign and free people.
We are tested, forced to be tracked and traced, burdened with the proof to prove that our private medical status aligns to their ever changing standards, subjected to the most humiliating scrutiny and invasive medical procedures, just to prove that we are not carrying a virus that between 96-99% of those infected survive.
We are detained and locked in hotels, suspending our rights to Habeas Corpus, with no arrest, no right to appeal or even being charged, let found guilty of any crime by a judge or jury of our peers.
They have made us voluntarily subject ourselves not only to indefinite incarceration, but many to solitary confinement.
Which, it is important to point out is, is the most damaging form of penal punishment, meted out normally only to the most troublesome inmates, who previously would require not only to have a conviction, but also, a track record of consistent bad behaviour, and in very extreme circumstances.
We are unable to exercise our inalienable right to protest. To free assembly. With a compliant and overly zealous Police force which arbitrarily denies that right, based on an unlawful risk assessment.
We have been expressly denied the right to leave our country. Something unheard of since the darkest time of Soviet history, let alone imaginable in this country. Restrictions comparable to History’s worst dictatorships are enacted with little to no protest.
We have a government that has actively promoted discrimination against people, disabled people predominantly, in breach of their own Equality Act by mandating mask wearing.
They allowed their Metropolitan Police Commissioner to further incite hatred and discrimination against those exempt from mask wearing , saying they should be shamed in compliance!
Dame Cressida went on: “My hope is that the vast majority of people will comply, and that people who are not complying will be shamed into complying or shamed to leave the store by the store keepers or by other members of the public.
We have allowed the creation of a paranoid, compliant and Stasi-esque society, where neighbours report each other for the most minor breach of rules, whilst our media and government stoke the fires of division and emboldens them further.
We are shortly to be divided into a two-tier society, whereby those vaccinated with an experimental drug, that has been rushed to market, which only has Emergency Use Authorisation, that the manufacturers are exempt from legal ramifications, that has reported, in their own publicly access studies, many adverse reactions and even worse, deaths, have more rights than those unwilling or unable to take it. In direct breach of the Nuremberg Code and multiple laws. A medical apartheid, enforced with the use of an unscientific and illogical vaccine passport.
Nurses and care home workers will be forced to take a vaccine that most neither need, nor want. All that were previously working during the previous waves, with no vaccine, and with a more deadly strain. The impact on both sectors will be catastrophic.
We’re actively censored on every public forum and platform if we don't follow the guidelines that are set by the government and their social media proxies.
We're not able to discuss alternative treatments or even theories on the origin of the very virus that has supposedly caused these intolerable restrictions on our essential, inalienable and hard-fought human rights.
We no longer have a free press, who reports facts or asks difficult questions. We only have a supine and compliant echo chamber that is afraid of challenging the status quo. Merely becoming the public voice of the government, furthering their agenda.
We have been told that we cannot hug our relatives, friends or acquaintances, cannot socialise, must restrict who we see or meet and for how long, all the while they ignore the same rules, treating us with utter contempt, even going as so far as to changing those law.
Again, with no parliamentary oversight whatsoever.
We are lied to daily. We have the facts twisted or omitted to suit the narrative that is deemed the most suitable at the time.
We have effectively been subjected to a campaign of state sanctioned psychological warfare, using our own money to pay the country's top psychologists to target US. To force us to comply with whatever regulation, law or guidance they decide. Again, with no democratic scrutiny or the ability to question the executive.
We are now living in a totalitarian country, where centuries of rights and freedoms, systems of checks and balances have all been rendered completely useless.
History gives us all hope and comforts us with the knowledge that this shall not last. It is our currently reality, but their actions will be overturned. It is the antithesis of everything that this country and its people’s is and has always been.
We have endured and suffered collectively in ignorance and fear. But I say no more.
This can not and will not stand any longer, of that I promise you.
Just remember these ancient words.
"For they haue sowen the winde, and they shall reape the whirlewinde"